Online Marketing: German Middle Class Neglected

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Excellent products – bad presentation “Made in Germany” is still a brand. Internationally the German medium-sized businesses can assert itself through innovative products and excellent quality compared to the competitors – in the current times of crisis. But while the price of German products with high marks can shine, ripples on the visit of many medium-sized business websites on the toenails. In times of global networking, and given the fact that now almost all B2B/B2C arise contacts over the Internet, an excellent presentation on the Web should be a matter of course. The sad reality: 7 of 10 of visited pages do not have the standard one has to offer interested visitors (and therefore potential customers/clients), to maintain their own image and to present appropriate products.

Most frequently found error: outdated programming: frames were modern until the late of 1990s. Nowadays, they prevent Google & co am Read the outdated page content: If in the “news” section, the last entry is from 2001, this is Web design & structure not the image care benefits: If the visitors must wonder how he gets from A to B and c to A back, he will quickly disappear and the requested information at the competition looking for Smartphone & Tablet: the use of mobile devices is increasing rapidly. None of the visited sites was worked so unreachable to see a contents: PDF or even entire pages were frequently not visible due to incorrect linking opportunities for interaction in social networks: hardly any of the pages had connection to social networks (Facebook, Twitter, XING, G +). Newsletter or RSS feeds were also hardly offered. Unattractive texts: often they are transferred one to one from the Printbroschure. Reading on the Web, however, work for different patterns than in the print area.

Missing search engine optimization in fiercely competitive markets it is obvious: the decision-makers of German companies underestimate apparently the enormous potential and the strategic importance of their corporate website. The central purpose of a corporate website: Attention customers, attract and convince through a high-quality presentation of the offered products and services. There quite inexpensive and low-maintenance solutions, to implement modern and future-proof Web pages. Especially the free open-source content management system “WordPress” are offered through its modular extensibility and is also widely used in. Therefore, there is a WordPress in almost every major city Internet agency providing corresponding complete services (consulting, analysis, design, search engine optimization, online marketing). A serious Webdesignagentur is from the outset with best advice to assist you and build your page in any way optimal and optimized for target groups. Anyway clear investment costs for a professional Web presence amortise thanks to increased attendance and therefore also better filled Order books quickly. Now you look at your own website with the eyes of a curious potential customers/customer. He doesn’t know you and has your page just for the first time in mind. Reflects your competence, your usage will and your professional way of working really in this page? Or could come to your visitors on the following thoughts: If the facade seems so dubious, as like the products/services then look first? What do I get for my money? I’m only on… “he is …weg and he won’t come back too often.Of course not immediately notice, your competition but is grateful.

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