
Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Colony of the Santsimo Sacrament. Eastern republic of Uruguay. Historical patrimony of Humanity UNESCO December 1995 Brief historical Review It is the Old Colony of the Sacrament; their history and traditions, reveal testimonies to us of their legendary past with fights, intrigues, hatreds and loves lived in almost the 328 years passed to the date. Call " Apple of the Discordia" , " The City of the Pen and the Espada" or for many, " Mother of Ciudades" , it was reason for bloody fights between Coronas of Portugal and Spain, in centuries XVII and XVIII, next to England, France and Holland, which stops turns it to others into " the Gibraltar of the Plata". Today it conserves a romantic aureole that confers a unique enchantment to him. Long before their foundation, Amrico Vespuccio, Juan of Lisbon, Juan Diaz de Soli’s, Sebastin Gaboto, Diego and Pedro de Mendoza, Irala, Ortiz de Zarate, Juan de Garay, Sir Francis Drake, Cavendish, Edward Fenton, among others, stepped on their coasts. After founded, the River was internationalized of Silver, giving beginning to the dispute by the domination of the territory, enters majors both empires of the time, with the intervention of its respective allies. Gobernadores and Virreyes de B.

Airs, of the importance of Cevallos, Sobremonte, Liniers or Balthasar Noble of Cisneros, happened through her. Scientists like Humbolt, Bomplant and Darwin crossed their fields. Expeditionary of the stature of Bouganville and they registered it to Malaspina in images. Long years, personages like Arthur Phillips, Founder and Governor of the New Wales of the South lived, today Sydney, Capital of Australia. (Explanation in 23/11/2010, the Capital of Australia is Canberra. In the original text it had to say: Capital of the British Colony of the New Wales of the South. Thanks to A.F.Badn reader by its correct collaboration) Uruguayan heroes and Presidents participated in their newspaper to live, like Jose Gervasio Artigas, Creek and Juan Antonio Lavalleja, head of " 33 Orientales".

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