Russian Fiction

Wednesday, June 29th, 2016

If you like fantasy, you need to download for free books Golovacheva – it's very interesting novels and stories. Basil Golovachev – science fiction author, has published more than 40 of his novels and more than 40 of his novels and short stories. His book has unique and that, reading them, you do not just dive into the world of adventure and fantasy, but also draws from the wisdom of such books. Golovachev in his works reveal the world his views on existence and its worldview. 1 more remarkable writer of our time – Maria Semenova, she has written many historical novels, and 2 fantasy novel. If you type into a search engine: Maria Semenova, books, download, then be able to read a large number of amazing and exciting books. General creativity of Maria Semenova took back to the amateur interest in ethnography of northern European nations: the Vikings and the Slavs. So gradually future novelist began to explore more and more literature on this topic.

Precisely because of its novel I 'lame blacksmith' is associated with myths about the Vikings, however many I carry it to the classic novel genre-fantasy. However, it is not at all so. Of course, some fiction and mysticism in it, but on the whole novel is based on one of the myths about the Vikings. ga Zotov – contemporary writer in the genre of fantasy with mystical tendencies. By education he is a historian. Generally, when a laptop Zotov emerged into the light, hodilo many rumors that it is only just an alias of some already well-known writer, but later turned out to be another person entirely true, but a new author. About it, so far reported slightly.

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Great War

Monday, July 13th, 2015

In this Virginia group Woolf it started to write, first as critical literary, and later as writer of fiction. Its workmanship includes nine romances, more than forty stories and more than ninety assays. On the consequence of the World War I in the English society, we can cite: 1914 bring hecatombe of the World War I, with the death of almost a million of young Bretons. The English optimism and the ufanismo, the Victorian certainty of that the progress would know to solve all the problems of the humanity, give place to the uncertainty and to the solitude of the man in the land devastada for the war (…) Dissatisfied with the institutions that they had not obtained to hinder the disaster of the war, the writers redirigem its focus of attention of the man in the society for the world interior of the individual. (SAUCERS, 1995) the ticket cools the social crisis and interior that the Great War also caused on the individuals of the time and in them it indicates the reason of ' ' jib in direction to eu' ' cited previously.

Its workmanship is classified as modernista and it she was one of the authors whom the technique of conscience flow developed with maestria, of which is considered one of pioneers. 5. Author Katherine Mansfield (1888? 1923) Katherine Mansfield Beauchamp Murry was born in Wellington, in 1888. She was son of English parents and it was changed for London in 1903, at this time, planned to be a professional tocadora of violoncelo. During this time one did not become involved in activities politics as ' ' suffrage feminino' ' in the United kingdom, therefore in the New Zelndia the women had gained the right to vote in 1893. After to finish education in England, returned to its native country in 1906, when it started to write stories and it decided to become a professional writer.

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