Balance Dialogue

Friday, April 12th, 2013

It is easy to feel companionship when all agree. On the other hand when there are deep disagreements it is difficult. But the result can be greater if we decide to see opponents as partners with other perspectives. The benefits can be very large. Both the condition of suspending assumptions and seeing themselves as partners, are not easy to satisfy. But he has discovered and proved that many teams are to rise to the challenge If you know in advance what is expected of them. In the depths of each one there is a desire for dialogue wherever possible in an organization especially when focuses on issues of utmost importance for everyone.

The dialogue makes much easier by the presence of coach or expert that keep the context until the group learn. In the absence of an expert you push your habits did the discussion and you move away from the dialogue. You believe in your thoughts and wish that they prevail. Concerned you suspend all assumptions. Even may think: there are some assumptions that I must hold on me for not losing the identity? The coach or expert of a dialog session meets many of the features of a good coach of processes.

These functions include helping people become part of the process and its results. The coach must keep the context of the dialogue, the flow, the dialogue going. If someone begins to divert the process towards the discussion is necessary to identify the situation and ask the Group: do believe that we are respecting the conditions of dialogue? Coach always keeps a balance between his ability and attitude of service, without adopting an attitude of doctor. As a team acquires experience, learn and the coach loses importance. The dialogue comes to emerge from the group. On computers where the dialogue is a permanent discipline is not necessary usually the coach. Balance between dialogue and discussion in the coaching of teams discussion is the necessary counterpart to the dialogue. It presents a discussion and defend different viewpoints. On the other hand, as we have seen, in the dialogue are presented various points of view with the purpose of discovering a new point of view. Decisions are made in a discussion. Complex issues are explored in the dialogue. The productive discussions converge into a conclusion. Dialogues, in contrast, are divergent, not intended to the agreement but learning. The rules of the game are different. The goals are different. If a computer in learning does not distinguish them, not dominates the difference that there is dialogue at the discussion, has no neither dialogue nor productive discussion. Among the members of a team that regularly engages in dialogues we learn to develop unique relationships. Trust that is created is moved to the discussion. Creates a greater understanding of the uniqueness of the perspective of the other. Moreover, you learn to establish broader understandings when one defends his own point of view with sweetness, without the determination to overcome. Dialogue and discussion based on the reflection and inquiry are always more productive are less vulnerable to circumstantial as sympathies or antipathies personal details.

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