Tao Tao Study

Friday, December 8th, 2017

It is not transmissible. You can either be object of study. Who knows you do not speak of the. Who speak do not know it. The more it’s define and describe, one more away from the. Why the Tao way is contrary to the path of the study. Through the study skills to accumulate they are piling up, and to dedicate yourself to the Tao are decreasing the acquired knowledge, until reaching even non – acting, without do by reaching not work nothing is same. (esoterismo.net) the word Tao means road, path.

Some translators, following a later Chinese interpretation, describe it as celestial path due to a symbolic correspondence with the milky way. Others use the word rule or rule Celeste, being able to understand in a normative and dogmatic sense which does not correspond to the metaphysical conception of the Taoists. It seems much worse use of the term reason, which goes back, as we believe, to the versions of the missionaries. In addition to referring to the logical and discursive thought – that has nothing to do with the Tao – no note that Chinese prefer the implications of implicit in the concept image. Lao Tse is made, aware that his Tao is not a scientific acquisition. Men higher when they hear of him, follow him implicitly. Inferior men they doubt, and follow him as soon as they leave as soon as. Foolish men, when they hear talk of the they laugh out loud, not laugh out loud, it had not been of the true Tao Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao.The name that can be named is not the unchanging name.Non-existence is the beginning of heaven and Earth.The existence is the mother of everything.From the eternal non-existence we contemplate in calm the mysterious principle of the Universo.Desde the eternal existence we see with clarity the superficial distinctions.Existence and existence are not one and the same in its origin; They are only separated when they manifest themselves.This unit is called depth.

Two Deceptions Obama Black

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

They are things that we can not wrong for more than good faith push to find hope after the faces, up secretly between the teeth. Of course, nothing healthier than read between the lines, as in intelligence work, searching for a signal, message, true intentionality of who in the midst of the policy cannot express beyond the moorings of his position and commitment. Why what was said? Is that we continue perhaps accusing the man of silly poor dreamer, padeciente of unreality left (as said Borges in one of his stories), shot by flying theories, lacking of earthliness, who does not understand the political game and passes it is letting go of the opportunity to interpret the signals between racks of speeches and gestures, forging uselessness to orient a political project? Probably. Am not talking today about Hugo Chavez or Barack Obama, the first facing to the left and the second as the big screen of the imperial gambit where have sought the signals to identify, figures (step) of great political responsibility with respect to which it is easy to infer accusations. For the case, the first has given samples always living under a State of alert, slope of the political scene and the wink of the eye of the contrary, denouncing him when he has sensed the fraud, the double discourse. Proof of this was the recent Summit of the Americas, at which wine Obama rehearsing speeches of fellowship then make the fool returning to his house; on the occasion, Venezuelan President was among the first to denounce it, with everything and that limiting diplomat has against her as head of State. The second seems already exhausted both drain the bulk. Cannot find how reconciling Redeemer discourse that led him to the Presidency of the United States with current practical position that forces it to be one piece of the framework where very powerful families domenan to the world’s population.

CSS Semantics

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016

Continuation of semantic CSS. A new approach, and tries to give a series of advice or recommendations when it comes to the use of style sheets and XHTML code writing. The information is based on the quoted post, as well as the related files. Recommendations for use and writing code using HTML tags strictly to what have conceived if it manages to create a XHTML code as clean and clear as possible will be reduced considerably the number of styles that we have to create and will avoid most of the errors and inconsistencies common. Layout based on layers (div), do not use tables (table). Paragraphs: (p) headers: (h1, h2, h6) tables: (table, thead/tr/th, td/tr/tbody) lists: (ul/li, ol/li) Menus: based on lists with the attribute display: inline use of measures in the sizes of fonts measures are those that do not establish a fixed size in pixels or points to an element. In particular are the percentage (%) and em (1em is equal to 100%, 1.2em to 120%, 0.7em 70%,) is very important to this point by several aspects: not all people have the monitor at the same resolution and our typography may be very small or large depending on the case. Setting typography measurement relative to the tag body, will be the relative size to browser and device that interpret the page.

This is especially on devices with small screens (mobile, pda, etc.). Layout of layers-based fixed layout is an old controversy, the mockup of fixed width or liquid layout or variable size size. Web usability studies advise the use of fixed sizes appropriate to the resolution most used by internet users, trying to be discriminated against percentage the least possible. The explanation of this aspect is justified by the steady growth in sales of large-size monitors (do 17? or more) and resolution (1024 768 onwards). The expansion of the pages on all resolutions of widescreen monitors greatly hinders the readability of text paragraphs. Create styles or redefine them only where strictly necessary if we create our pages making proper use of XHTML tags and follow the guidelines outlined in this document, the necessity of creating redundant and unnecessary styles, will drastically reduce what entails enormous benefits on all relating to ease of maintenance and reduction of errors and strange behaviors. Original author and source of the article.

Always Commercial

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

In these conversations, some complaints of customers and then the response of a commercial mediocre and a commercial with empathy. CLIENT: Always I receive orders with delay. RESPONSE of commercial MEDIOCRE: I’m sorry, that’s not my Department, call X. (This sounds that you don’t want problems, seeking life client). It is the first time I hear it to the will thus be per…

(Excuses) If your orders on time, would come you before (this response seems ridiculous but is not difficult to hear barbarities so every day in any company. This commercial is facing his client. If but (here add whatever you want. The word but, it is the negation of empathy. When you use it you have to say Mr. Cliente, nothing that tells me doesn’t interest me, now I’m going to tell me my point of view.

The word but is a synonym of however, however, although all mean the same thing, and all are all the opposite of empathy.) COMMERCIAL EMPATHIC response: I understand that the arrival of orders are affecting you. If you allow me, we are going to see the detail of the case and me I promise to see how I can put an end to this situation, or at least give a reason about why it happened. This is just an example of course. In this example the commercial is doing several things well:-shows empathy, first and foremost because it does not excuse, is not facing the client and shows understanding. -Sample humility but in no case gives the reason, since we must not forget, may be the client not have reason, is behind on their payments, has done wrong orders, etc. However what makes the commercial is commit to understand which is the problem that is negatively affecting the client in one way or another. -Offers his help to the customer. You may not be able to fix the problem in its entirety but when to a customer is provided a compelling reason, much happier is that when you try to Dodge giving long.

Establishment Commercial

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Greetings dear readers. In this article I want to comment briefly on the reasons that may motivate a change in the distribution of items of merchandise in a store or supermarket. Many times change is not something desired, however, can be up to vital to continue the business at some point. I am sure that the reader like me has been in limit situations that put us on the edge of the precipice and while there we must decide any changes important to not succumb. The same happens in the business. Among the reasons I understand most important to decide to make major changes in the Layout of our store, supermarket or Local commercial I can quote the following: A bad initial layout changes and evolution in customers and their purchasing habits and consumption changes in the physical environment of the Area in which changes in the products that offer us our suppliers the animation of the point of sales a bad distribution or initial deployment are located.

Given the fact that our initial deployment It will respond to several previous studies, will be strange get to say that to happen; However, it is very possible that we should make adjustments and many times these adjustments involve some time and effort. Paramount in the implementation or physical distribution of the elements of the local is contributing with the profitability of the physical space that we have, that achieved a circulation smoother buyers and take it to each space of the shop or supermarket. Therefore we can realize the need for changes in this respect noting consumers and measuring the results of sales. How our customers run through the establishment, we see lost, customers ask much to our staff where is this or that merchandise? Other clear action we can take in this regard is to do a survey among visitors most frequent.

Commerce Culture

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

This situation of deficiency, could be resolved gradually, if promoted the return of a concept that seemed almost filed in the corner of the memories: I am referring to the domestic economy. Perhaps this concept, little say minors from forty years; and above all to the esa fringe age living in big cities. However, there was a time in which households, and in particular, the more humble; reared poultry; were sausages and preserves; It weaving and made clothes, bread is baked, and so in a similar manner, families are almost autoabastecian. Then came industrial society (in reality the majority of Argentine localities only peaked in fragmentary and almost caricaturised). This supposed: that almost all the economically active population; you would have a stable employment in Commerce, services and industry. Another assumption was salaries that were perceived by those jobs to reach to keep decorum to the respective families.

To an important extent, this was fulfilled for decades, for a vast majority of Argentine urban households. Subsisted in rural areas that way solve the problems to the Home “, and did not have fixed jobs for everyone.” But these groups, which never ceased to be numerous, were considered to be marginal. The bulk of the population was adapting to the patterns of industrial society (some called it American way of life), and the culture of the home was abandoned. Such a culture was even, stimulated in his time from the educational system and official dealings as the Ministry of agriculture. In those old libraries, which still today remain almost heroically, can be found the old primers and almanacs of the Ministry of agriculture, where the methods of economy are spread. Domestic. Still survives as a vestige of that little teachers of domestic economy in the Federal Capital. A prominent educacionista as Prospero Allemandri, detrimental to 1949, pedagogical benefits practices of the home economy.

Barcelona Very

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

After wandering an hour by the splendid religious work and the surrounding area, we decided to introduce us in the amusement park, whose door was on the side. Fun with Barcelona to our piesSin doubt the best views of the Tibidabo amusement park has them (the name comes from a few verses of the Bible in latin), which is worth 25 euro. It most surprising to enter the Park (regarding historic city dating back to 1899) are its ancient attractions like the Ferris wheel, precious; the plane, one of the first flight simulators, or Hotel Kruguer of terror, which really I stuck me a few good scares! But as seen in the last few years they have put many new attractions and have renovated the roller coaster, which was also a historical attraction in 1961. We got also a cinema 4 d (Dididado) very cool with many effects of light, sound, air and even water! The truth is that it is worth entering the Park. In summer they have water attractions and you can eat, there are plenty of shops and activities, although some, more educational, for younger children.

I enjoyed very much! After we spend the day at the top of the city of Barcelona we reached the rendered apartment (which by the way, I highly recommend renting an apartment in the city of Barcelona, is more economical and very comfortable. Us what enconctramos page of BarcelonCheckIn). But after resting a little recover forces to enjoy nightlife in Barcelona (what fun!). But I would recommend the ascent to the mountain, either to see the spectacular views, to visit the spectacular religious architectural work of the Temple of the sacred heart or have some fun in this symbolic City Park. Original author and source of the article.

The Road Toward The Goal

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

Sometimes, to reach the goal you feel a euphoria that fades soon after did and now, what?, questions you. What? Therefore another goal, a new challenge, a new illusion. Illusions are free and the goals also. (Francis de Sales) If you’re in a moment of awareness of your current reality, it is important that you start to set some goals. With extreme caution, because this decision to establish them can be as useful as dangerous. Goals, well used, encourage you and stimulated to get them: If you want to do or achieve something, and you have marked you goals, you know (a) what are you going, and you put in it your effort and encouragement.

This allows you to follow a path, not lose yourself in questioning and constant questions, and know where you steer will and energies. In that sense, is very useful and absolutely necessary to have goals: give confidence that brings knowing the meaning of the things that are made, and promotes hope and self-assurance, because you know what is what you want and going for it, and also install one illusion in this desire to reach it. In view of the above, it is positive. It really is so. But a goal without a good plan is just a wish. Serves for very little.

It has no force, and their chances of realization are nil. You have to want a clear goal and devise a plan that will make it possible: a well-designed plan is already fifty percent achieved. The complication begins when that goal is far away or is impossible: then turns against you, because I believe the frustration of the unattainable, and if we add to the confusion that is created when you aren’t very sure of what they want to, the union of the two flows into an inevitable crisis. If you were already badly when you did not know what wanted, it is now worse, get a goal so inaccessible.


Saturday, August 24th, 2013

The input goal in Europe always has gone behind that in the United States.UU., but the increase in shopping online in Europe is leading more consumers to the sites of metasearch when planning trips. 4 Germany is gaining ground in the middle of the clumsy giant travel market recession online in Europe is reaching a significant share of the local market. The cultural affinity to travel that it exists in the country is helping to sustain demand while other European markets suffer. The market share of the European market of online Germany travel will increase from 17% in 2008 to 20 percent in 2011. Gute Reise! 5 To larger markets mature, all eyes go to the South (and East) the greater travel European market, the United Kingdom, has a more than 40% online penetration.

France and Germany are approaching. Now that the penetration in these markets is high, the online travel sector marks its objectives in markets with less penetration, both in the South and the East. It is possible to be markets emerging as Poland that offer the best opportunities for growth. The fifth edition of the overview of the PhoCusWright online travel and the individual reports for France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain and United Kingdom give us the information and analysis needed to understand the dynamics of your market and forecast the profitability of your business. These reports are also included on the European edition of PhoCusWright, a research service with annual subscription that provides information and analysis of the sector of travel in Europe.

About PhoCusWright Inc. PhoCusWright is authority market research from the travel industry about how contact travelers, suppliers and intermediaries. Being an entity independent, rigorous and unbiased, PhoCusWright promotes smart strategic planning and making tactical decisions. PhoCusWright delivers qualitative and quantitative research on the evolution of the various dynamics that affect the distribution of trips, tourism and lodging. Our market intelligence is the same as the industry in terms of segmentation, sizing, forecasts, trends, analysis and behaviors of consumers in travel planning. Senior managers, salespeople, strategists and research professionals of markets in all segments of the value chain of the sector around the world, use daily market of PhoCusWright research for competitive advantage. PhoCusWright, intending to complement its primary research in North and South America, Europe and Asia offers several conferences and trade fairs of high profile in the United States.UU. and Germany and collaborates on conferences in Canada, China and Singapore. Industry leaders and analysts from different firms, manage to give life to this intelligence through discussions on the various issues, sharing ideas and defining the ever-changing reality of the travel trade. The company is headquartered in the United States, has a base in India for their operations in Asia-Pacific and with analysts the five continents. Original author and source of the article.

Air Max France

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

Studies show that stress or emotional upset play a role in constipation by affecting the autonomic nervous system. These nerves control the natural contraction of the colon (peristalsis), and stress can trigger spasms or inhibit their normal functioning. Traveling can also cause bowel problems for many. Recommendations: The first line of defense against constipation should be a diet rich in high-fiber foods. Fresh fruits, green vegetables vecindad, whole grains and legumes are all excellent choices. Adequate water intake is also essential, especially with a diet high in fiber.

Second, it’s important to avoid constipating and mucous-forming foods such as processed, simple carbohydrates, rich dairy products, heavy meats and oversized meals. Instead, eat smaller, well-balanced, fiber-rich portions. You may also want to add 400 mg of magnesium in the morning and evening because this helps relax the intestinal walls and establish normal paristalsis. In a discussion, Dr. Xiu spoke with Dr. William Wong, to classical naturopath for over 25 years about current laxatives and the difference between those and natural remedies. Wong cautions against various laxatives on the market: on-going studies confirm that the chemicals in these products may cause abdominal problems and non you are considered safe for long-term use. Both agree that there is one product that stands out which emplea an ancient Tibetan formula that has been found to have remarkable properties.

The ingredients comprise of Chinese Rhubarb Root, Terminahia Chebulic Fruit, Inula and Tibetan Mineral Complex which was developed more then three hundred years ago to combat the relief of digestive and bowel function disorders problems due to their diet of heavy meats and dairy products (much like our North American diet) that have shown considerable promise. Chinese Rhubarb Root know as Rheum Palmatum l. Var. Tanguticum has traditionally been used to promote healthy bowel movements, release metabolic toxins, control parasites and remove excess heat from the body. Modern clinical trials demonstrate that rhubarb is a highly effective laxative that Air Max France works by lubricating the colon and encouraging peristalsis without causing diarrhea. Other studies show that Chinese rhubarb also works to balance cholesterol levels and promote healthy blood circulation. Terminahia Chebulic Fruit has been used throughout China for centuries for the relief of diarrhea, cramping and excess coughing. Modern research demonstrates that the fruit works by mildly relaxing the muscles, including those in the intestines. Chebulic has also been shown to have strong antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. Inula know ACE Vladimiria Souliei (Franch) Ling Root is traditionally used to improve digestion, relieve Maillot LYON pas cher stomach pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Scientific studies indicate that the root may have its effect through its natural anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory properties. Tibetan Mineral Complex from the mineral Mirabilite Crystal beds in Tibet is naturally rich in calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, iron oxide and 72 essential trace minerals. The mineral complex is traditionally used to release toxins, excess heat and accumulated body fluids body. Modern research shows that this special mineral complex can lunch stomach acid and also sooth and calm the central nervous system. In Closing: Eat a diet rich in high-fiber foods, drink plenty of fluids and choose a product this is all natural formula that will help promote normal healthy bowel function, balance the entire digestive system and help with the detoxification of your body.

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