Greeks Aphrodite

Friday, May 1st, 2015

The game has two groups of arcana, Word of Latin origin which is equivalent to secret thing. They are archetypal symbols which are classified, grosso modo, the virtues, vices, mysteries and fortune of mankind. Seventy-eight letters make up the game of Tarot; Twenty-two for major arcana; the 56 remaining equal the minor arcana. They are grouped into four suits, as the Spanish deck: basto, Cup, gold (or pentacle) and sword. Each of these clubs is associated to a reality of the world of the person who requested the inquiry.

The glasses symbolise the emotional sphere, while the bastos correspond to life in general. The pentaculos (or oros) would represent the material and the swords are attached to the intellectual landscape. Similarly, the sticks in the Tarot usually join the four ingredients of Empedocles. Thus swords thinners air, the cups contain water, the bastos maintaining fire and golds would hide in the profundidaes of the Earth. The emblem of the pentacle, in particular, would be gathering the four ingredients more a mystic quintessence. In antiquity, this emblem (a circle with a star) alluded to the name of the planet Venus or its different variations (Astarte to the Phoenicians, Ishtar between the akkadians, Innana in the Sumerian cult, in the Pantheon of the Greeks Aphrodite and Ashtaroth for the Israelites). Probably, the name Tarot is not anything other than a corruption of the Hebrew name of the goddess Astarte.

In the Bible, we find Ashtaroth, which is the plural of Ashtaroth, Venus, among the natives of Canaan. For more entrevero on the etymological origin of Tarot, the deck 10, wheel of fortune, on occasions be it accompanied with the letters R, O, T, to the broken Word (wheel) dispersed in four points of the wheel, so that if it starts to read by T, would read Tarot. How is a Tarot Chuck carried out?Given that they are archetypal models, major arcana are directly related to the proposal of the psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung upon the unconscious collective. They are considered, then, tickets to the subconscious State. Like psychotherapy, Tarot Reading suggests that the individual who consult the Tarot reader to recognize harmful habits. It enrolls who consult the Tarot cards focus their ideas in a bounded topic. Then cut the wire harness and the Tarot spreads the cards according to a usual way. There are many of these geometric shapes and what will be used depends on the preference of the interpreter and the need of which attended the consultation. The more accustomed chucks are the Celtic Cross, which begins with a letter that corresponds to the particular situation that gave rise to the inquiry. Then, following an order in spiral, the ingredients are located segurmante influence, the obstacles, the present and the future, et cetera. Chuck the Yes or no is also usually consists of five cards; and counted how many of them are to the right. If there is more to the right than letters upside down, the answer to the question is if. If interested you know a little more about Spanish Tarot site free consultation of these chucks can be obtained.

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