SKL Record Profit Of 16 Million Euro

Friday, February 12th, 2016

Who does not dream about night millionaire, suddenly journey on the long-awaited dream or early on in “SKL” guarantees to go? Who does not dream about night millionaire, to undertake the long-awaited dream journey suddenly or early in SKL “go guarantees? The Suddeutsche Klassenlotterie can make such wishes come true. Germany, wunsch dir was! Germany’s biggest class Lottery breaks records with the 123rd lottery: with 16 million euros, the largest profit of the SKL history will be raffled at the end of the sixth grade at a chance of winning 1: 2.5 million! But even before the prospects of month-to-month grow: always on the first Saturday increased the prize each one million from 1 million in the first class on up to 6 million in the 6th grade! There is also still the SKL Milllionenformel: daily 1 million either in the form of 1 million or 1,000 1,000 times! As a whole are in the 123rd Lottery up to 1.706.279 individual WINS with a winning total of up to 888.555.000 played out. Millions for Germany: so wishes can come true! “But also the SKL has a wish: the motto our desire for Germany the environment wins!” she is committed to environmental protection. So, dream-JOKER in the 123rd Lottery hybrid cars and dream trips, emphasis is placed on environmental wait on SKL Los owner in the game supplement. With the additional game EURO JOKER SKL players have a chance around the clock”to win here, 5,000 being played out every hour.

And the 345 Sofortrenten with a winning total of over 58 million are a special highlight. Lottery is the June 1! Information about the SKL, see 01805 / 81 21 (* 0.14 / min. from a landline of DT. Telekom, mobile if necessary by way of derogation) or see. Find information on prevention of drug dependence. SKL players must be at least 18 years old.

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