Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Novelties

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Refrigeration Equipment (Refrigerated) Russia trade in food products from a means of enrichment gradually turns into a class where there is no place for people without creativity. Huge number of formats trade (stalls, pavilions, a visiting trade, convenience stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, etc.) suggest that each player in this market is trying something different, put the accents, brings zest to his work. This leads to appearance of a large number of custom solutions in the organization of trade. In a series of commercial equipment now and then there are very unique products that address specific problems. As a producer refrigeration equipment, we are faced with limited retail space. The reasons for these restrictions are different (expensive rent, the premises are not fit for such a trade, etc.), but the resulting standard windows, which we offer can not solve this problem. Needed a showcase, the area calculations of products which would be more than occupied floor space, on which stands the showcase.

Find a good solution could not immediately. Have tried a lot of options, and now our company manufactures a whole line of refrigeration cabinets Vena, Praga, Novella, which fill the existing gaps in the Russian market. These displays combine the best qualities refrigeration cabinets (an elegant design, excellent visibility of the goods) and cabinets (spaciousness, functionality, economy). All this can be seen directly with the naked eye, but the main task for us is maintaining the highest quality products. This is a complex work consisting of selection and validation of the best parts, working with suppliers, proper motivation and much more.

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