Issues of Capitalism

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

Emotional intelligence the seven sins capitals – gula, avarice, envy, anger, magnificent, luxury and laziness – reveal in way diversified in the current days and have brought enormous damages to the society, but, they will have been managed with responsibility, they can present positive effect in the life of the people, differentiating itself of the pecaminosos aspects. Gula, act to eat beyond the necessary one and to all hour, is related to the greed, which evidences the social inaquality and the wild consumerism that enslaves the consumers and harms the environment. However, when if it desires to grow in the life, with ethics and work, without harming the others, the good ambition can be of great utility against the conformismo. The behavior of the guloso brings, as much in literal meaning as in appeared direction, some types of obesidade and risks of illness. However, it bears mentionning that if it does not have to exaggerate in the aesthetic concern the point of if leaving to enjoy with the family and the friends the good plates of the life, therefore exists the risk of anorexies diverse. The avarice, covets for money accumulation, excludes the people enjoys of it of good moments.

However to save a little, without spending everything that if earns, becomes essential who desires to evolve and to guarantee a reserve for the emergencies and the future. The envy, desire of attributes, status, ownerships and abilities of another person, generate murders of all the forms, create rivalries and competitividades and isolate the people in private hurts that they need psychological treatment. But a positive admiration can exist for outrem, when it is desired respectfully to be as somebody of success, and this desire stimulates the individual to the honest growth. The anger, uncontrollable junction of the anger feelings, hatred and rancor, has taken the crimes in the transit, the home, the schools, the work, that is, in the seio of the society.

World War

Monday, April 7th, 2014

One gave credit that sociology, when studying, to explain and to intervine in the facts of the society would be the scientific link that would bind the order of the society to continuous progress. Comte structuralized its thought from a philosophy of peculiar history where the man would be the main being, since he showed endowed with a nature characterized for an irresistible social trend; so that it was developed completely, learning to use its intelligence as inspired source of the actions, the man would have to pass for three states. The first state of the humanity was defined as theological, where God would be the center of all the references human beings; God would be the regent of the social life and the man it directly would be tied. As been he was defined as Metaphysical, would be intermediate it between the three states, where the explanation of the society would not pass only for the recital in the divine initiative; God would not be more the absolute regent of the social life, and yes an essence onipresente it. the third state would be the positivismo and would find its expression in the modern capitalist society, where the man left of an anthropocentric conception and if he would place in the condition of regent of the social life.

Of this form, the positive spirit would definitively supply the basic rules the conception of a unit for the new order seated in the reason. The Intellectual mile Durkheim during its life witnessed the period where she understood the apex of the European monopolista capitalism and its first great internal crisis, beyond the Second Industrial Revolution and the ecloso of the World War I. How much the relation individual/Durkheim society believed that the society would predominate on the individual, a time that it is that it would impose joint it of norms of social behavior; it had as focus the emancipation of sociology in relation the social philosophies, trying to construct it as he disciplines scientific rigorous, endowed with systemize methods, objectifying to define with clarity the object and the applications of this new science being left of the paradigms and theoretical models of natural sciences.

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