Genuine Inkjet Cartridge

Monday, May 9th, 2016

Simultaneously with a computer and a printer is usually acquired. Just a few years ago, the default printer is worth a lot of rubles, and the purchase of the cartridge to it too costly to. Due to the high cost for printing multiple copies of the document most often used copier, not the printer. But with technological progress, a gradual decrease in prices and increase in prosperity, printers began to become more popularity. When buying a printer, most people are interested in print speed, and only the most experienced of users pay attention to the cost model. Printer manufacturers use different tricks to increase sales of its products, such as large print report printing speed and resolution of the model.

However, if we have to print multipage documents, where in addition to black involved only one color (Eg, blue logo and black text), it is advisable to buy a printer, in which each color has a separate cartridge. In addition, buying a printer, you should first pay attention not to speed printing, and the performance of the cartridge. There are many ways to reduce the amount of ink and, therefore, increase the number of pages printed without changing the cartridge. We need to develop habits that reduce the amount of ink. One of the simplest ways is to transfer the printer is set to "draft". If the printed document is intended for personal use, work in this mode will significantly reduce the amount of ink.

Since models with similar technical specifications can be found at all manufacturers, selecting the printer you should pay particular attention to the performance of the ink cartridge. Some commercially available heavy-duty printers have cartridges that allow no additional cost to print 300 pages more. Some think it profitable to buy nefirmennye cartridges that are cheaper and serve the same term. The savings is not justified, since nefirmennyh cartridges are often used low-quality ink, so they quickly fade or smudge during printing. So, when buying a printer should first find out what the performance of the cartridge, and only then interested in print speed. Since the power cartridge and print quality is mainly dependent on the quality of the ink, although a firm ink and are more expensive, it is preferable to use them, because they increase the productivity of your printer.

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