The Development

1. INTRODUCTION the intellectual capital comes if becoming the main resource for the development of organizations. This because, currently, diverse technological changes, social politics and, and the organizations occur has searched new knowledge and new values that are being part of this new global phase. Stewart (1998, P. 13) defines intellectual capital as the addition of the knowledge of all in a company who, in contrast of the other assets can be used for the wealth generation. Face to the displayed one, the organizations, searching its solidification in the market, if comes across with the necessity to possess each time better one capital intellectual, in view of whom this comes to add value to the products and services by means of the magnifying of the human knowledge. In this process, it is important on the part of the organizations one consistent politics of motivation and management of the knowledge, valuing and respecting the especificidades of the collaborators.

It is known that one of the aspects that influence in the productivity of the professional it is the motivation, therefore, a time that this recognizes its importance inside of organization, is felt more engaged with the activities, culminating in one better productive performance. However, to a large extent of the sectors of the public organizations motivation is understood as being only pecuniary. This makes with that the professionals feel themselves not motivated, therefore even though inexists a process of qualification and continued training or of humanizao, that can contribute in the development of its activities. Another important factor is the management of the knowledge. Although it is great the importance of the learning and the knowledge in the organizations, many not yet know to deal adequately with these resources. Many of the chances can be used to advantage from practical of management of the knowledge, being necessary to stimulate its job in all the organizacionais levels.


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