The Imagination

Learn to think, is to learn to live ‘ success is learning to feel in the correct channel. One of the worst things that can happen to us, is to begin to pity us, to feel sorry for ourselves. They say that a Viper before attacking their prey hypnotizes her, if we we started to sympathize, we began to open the door to that our attitude changes from positive to negative. 5 – Be positive in all the be positive is a blessing, for the same person, and for those around you. Positive person is happy with any detail and everything thanks, already regret that circumstances are against you, always looking for a way out and uses creativity, to not be defeat. Always try to find a light, by more obscure is the situation. The positive person knows that when the night is darkest, it is because he is about to dawn.

Being positive helps us in our relationships with others, and you have more friends. We should always be positive! 6 – To all enthusiasm and love if indeed everything put you enthusiasm and love, that we us beautifully! We would be happy because when we do things with enthusiasm and love, we had fun and enjoyed a lot with what we are doing, if we do put the best of ourselves, handing over our hearts. This is one of the great secrets of happiness. Imagine a world in! which everyone did things with enthusiasm and love! Would what vital and happy feel us all! And how much love and professionalism we would do things! 7 – All are important act according to information with which we feed our minds. For example, when we feed to a computer with x or z information, the response you get from it goes in direct relation to the data that we put, to such an extent, that if we put wrong information, for example: 6 + 5 = 10, the answer will be also wrong, because the computer is based on the cassette of information that we have got. So we also act according to the cassette that we have recorded in our minds. Why it is so important to be more aware as possible to know that, regardless of our past experiences, each new experience is different. I would remind you, it is very important, use the imagination and excitement of what they want as if it is already done! Original author and source of the article

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