The Issuer

Semiotic phenomenon there is a transfer, through a sign, a some form of relations that is in the mind of a producer into the interpreter, i.e. There is a sign produced by a transmitter, interpreted by a receiver, then what made explicit in a communication process in which several items are displayed:-code: System of signs and rules for combining these. metalinguistic function. -Channel: physical medium through which communication is transmitted. phatic function. -Issuer: subject responsible for transmitting the message from a codification of this process. function Emotiva. -Receiver: person to which it is addressed communication and that decodes the message.

conative function. -The message: what we want to communicate that is encoded by the issuer and decoded by the receiver. poetic function. -The situational context: is the referent, context in which the message is transmitted and which contributes to its meaning. It is necessary for a proper decoding of the message. referential function. In this process the sign, as a fundamental entity in the semiotic process is of vital importance and that is understood as a lake that is instead of something else not as a substitute for, but as a representation of (according to Peirce); It is an expression pointing to a content that exist outside of the same sign and has two functions: expression and content (Hjelmslev); It is psychic entity where the meaning has existence only in our minds and is independent of possible external references and materials, where the signifier is also mental, because it is the successor of the acoustic image, which already is image (Saussure). The analysis of the semiotic sign acquires particular interest in the artistic field, and within this, in the spectacular scenic representation in its broadest (theatre, opera, classical, modern, contemporary and folkloric dance, pantomime, puppets, among others), is where the sign is manifested with greater richness, variety and density. Everything in the theatrical representation is sign.

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