United Kingdom

The United Kingdom was also the center of the revolution that it would industrialize to the globe. Nevertheless, the Pope was to them indispensable to obtain it then, for the new workers who work twelve or more hours daily in the factories and mines, this one was fast and easy to them to cook and it provided to them with many carbohydrates and energy. There this one was so important that, when was a plague in the cultures of the Irish Pope in 1845-48, the greater extreme hunger took place than has registered this kingdom (a million of died). Until now, Ireland, although one has become one of the most prosperous nations of the planet, as soon as it contains 50% of the population that it had until before this epidemic. Still today Elizabeth II will be able to boast of being the Chief of State that more territories dominates in the world, but in his house the Pope is the queen of his tables. In Great Britain there is no typical plate that does not use it or there is no school that daily does not cook tens of kilos of this one. One of the arms that island had to avoid to be invaded by the Germans in the two world wars was his balanced diet of fried Pope and fish. Each country that it looks for to be industrial power has had to follow the example English to amass the production and the consumption of the Pope.

The USA for a long time has been producing more potatoes than Peru. The Soviet Union would get to produce one hundred million tons from this one to the year, bases then matchless. The nation who Pope consumes more by inhabitants is the German, the power axis of Europe and the Euro. Today, when China and India come filling from new factories the Pope expands there quickly.

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