Vovelle Michel Vovelle

The historians of the mentalities, go to face a series of critical in this new route that give to practical its historiogrfica, since the same one will present a series of imprecises and ambiguidades, that according to Vainfas ' ' they had contributed for the consuming of proper conceito' ' of mentalities. All yin has its yang. To put, is in the new cultural history that the mentality will go to contribute and to receive new boardings, new unfoldings, without however, to be the determinative factor of the research. Since the historians of new cultural history, as he discloses the Vaifas, not ' ' they go to deny the relevance of the studies on the mental one, nor so little to renounce the approach with others disciplinas' ' – I detach this therefore one of critical the new a history and the mentalities were of what!, if it opened excessively the news to know and questionings, and would have rank in ' ' cheque' ' the legitimacy of the proper one disciplines. ' ' the history of the mentalities does not only define for the contact with other sciences human beings and for the emergency of a domain repelled for traditional history.

also the place of meeting of opposing requirements that the proper dynamics the historical research current force to the dialogue. It is placed in the point of junction of the individual one and the collective one, the long time and the quotidiano, the unconscious one and the intentional one, the structural one and the conjunctural one, the delinquent and geral' '. (Le Goff, 1976, p.71). Frenchmen LE GOFF and VOVELLE had influenced the not French ones, Eric Hobsbawm, Paul Veyne, Peter Burke, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso (Brazilian) and many others. Michel Vovelle Michel Vovelle a French historian of century XX, specialist in centuries XVII and XVIII.


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