Waldorf Of Frommer For His Film Work

Waldorf of Frommer on behalf of Constantin film distribution GmbH for the film work ‘ 3096 days ‘ so-called leader of the industrial firms that warn in the Internet copyright violations, because Internet users illegally have down – / uploaded music works in so-called file-sharing is the watchdog firm Waldorf of Frommer. Typically, a horrendous payment of damages and legal costs amounting to at least 1.028,00 and the Declaration of a punitive injunctive relief associated with such a warning. Not every warning is actually legitimate. Not every warning is indeed justified. “If you so a such warning the watchdog firm Waldorf of Frommer on behalf of Constantin film distribution GmbH for the cinematographic 3096 days” have received, then expire you carefully note the extremely short deadline not to panic, and at an early stage consult a qualified lawyer for copyright. Better still, a specialist for file sharing. Sign nothing and pay anything before you are not using a specialized attorney for copyright have spoken.

Use any so-called modified cease and desist from the Internet. You don’t know if the cease and desist in the right places has been modified correctly. Must be this not you reckon that you have to pay in the next 30 years at the next warning up to 5,000.00 because you accidentally could have submitted an acknowledgement of guilt. This is to avoid it all urgent. The amount of money of 1.028,00 is bad enough. The consequential damage worse, when one turns not at an early stage to a qualified attorney for copyright. Georg Schafer Attorney

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