Wolfgang Schwalm

The spectrum electro magnetism of human hearing, is a classic example of the limits of human perception cognition where neither the tones of a dog whistle is still the low notes, used elephants for the partial, are included. The critical realist assumes that increasingly approaches over the course of time the human knowledge of the reality, this but usually not entirely achieved. …, Santayana argues against a naive belief in progress and at the same time against the perfectionism and idealism of Christianity. He sets a pragmatism, who only knows as a change that is based on the awareness of past progress against. Without this memory, i.e. without this attitude of mind, there is no progress and no learning from the experience. Based on Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe, he traces the main currents of speculative, Western philosophy: materialism and naturalism, idealism and Platonism and Christianity, as well as philosophical romance. A comprehensive description of his materialism ‘ he only designed knowledge and faith with scepticism and animal faith 1923 for Santayana here not the result of rational argumentation.

As well He rejects sophisticated epistemological and metaphysical reasons. u0085 Rather, the natural conditions and a so-called animal faith be basis of knowledge”, a fundamental, instinctive and non-rational belief in the existence of the world and the pragmatic approach to the action and knowledge. Ultimately also the meaning and value of action derived from our physical Constitution and natural environment. Also the critical realist Santayana argued in the context of animal faith”. The things of this world can be indeed illusory, but the belief is based on a rational instinct”, which is justified by the pragmatic success. So, there is inevitable beliefs that are determined by our nature according to Santayana. > Source: (C) by wikipedia.net; Author This script is the abridged version! This text is available only in terms of Creative Commons, version 3.0 (see wikipedia.net) free: CC-by new.svg CC nc.svg CC-nd.svg copyright Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs use possible Quote origin note and use copy to me – thank you! 2012 Copyright by Wolfgang Schwalm, all rights reserved! 06.

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